Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Gamble of Social Events

College is a time of making friends and having experiences that you will remember for the rest of your life... Or that's what they tell you anyways.

To promote all of these experiences and friendships colleges often dream up events and gatherings for you to go out and have fun and meet people and find your soul mate etc. There are fairs and games and things with weird names you wouldn't even consider thinking was cool but you pay 5-10 dollars and show up and participate in whatever madness someone has created. Some of these events are worthwhile and you can appreciate them, other events make you want to run into a wall just to escape going.

For instance, my dorm is divided into wings and we have "family time" on Tuesday nights with the people that live on your wing. This is supposed to promote bonding with the people that you live with and have fun, all that jazz. My RA is super crafty and is always coming up with little things for us and tries to make "family time" more fun with little treats or gifts. Our last family time featured this gem:

Pink drink is bad
It was like drinking a My Little Pony. Cherry soda and ice cream mixed to create this foamy pink concoction. This combined with us sitting around and staring at each other made for a real fun time. To enforce the atmosphere of participation you get fined if you don't show up to "family time", I may or may not know this from personal experience. Forced bonding time is my favorite.

But because college is a time of meeting new people and making friends we all go to these events and gamble our time on an experience that could go either way. Its a risk we seem willing to take and perhaps we stumble upon a new fun experience or a new best friend. I don't fully understand the whole mentality of these social situations but at least you can find some laughs brought on by the absurdity of the events provided.

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