Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Instagram is pretty cool. Instant access to someones view of the world. We can see events and people through their eyes in small snapshots. That's pretty neat if you ask me.

I get a great deal of amusement out of Instagram. One of my favorite activities is going to a person's page and narrating their Instagram feed. Scroll through all the things they have posted and come up with dialogue for each picture, trust me it's a good time.

But there are a few things that annoy me on Instagram:

People that only post selfies. Not even with other people. Just their face. Over and over. I don't mind a selfie here and there, I have selfies on my Instagram, but if your whole feed is just one selfie after another with only slightly varying facial expressions I apologize because I have probably laughed at you once or twice. Or narrated all of your selfies with different voices reading your captions.

People that over use hashtags. It's obnoxious. Don't do it. People that hashtag every word: #if #this #is #what #your #caption #looks #like #then #you #are #doing #it #wrong. Or my other personal favorite: #newshirt #blueshirt #itsnew #newnewnew #newblue. We get it. You have a new blue shirt.

Nature accompanied by scripture. Nature is beautiful. Scripture is wonderful. But please take it easy. Moderation people.

The inspiration for the title of this piece is dedicated to those of you who feel the need to post a book about your significant other or best friend. I get that your boyfriend/girlfriend is your mcm/wcw every week but really if I have to scroll past another endless caption about how amazing that person is I might cry. This also applies to your best friend. I get it, you are close and have a lot to celebrate as legendary best friends but sometimes short is sweet, something simple well done will always beat something complex poorly executed, and the picture is supposed to mean a thousand words; you don't have to add your own.

Anyways. Instagram, cool. People that do these things, not cool. Remember moderation with your social media kids.