Wait.. What. |
Spring Break just happened. I was pleased with its overall occurrence. It was the perfect blend of relaxing with things to do. My family has a good friend that lives in Challis, Idaho (its okay if you have no clue where that is, small town next to big river middle of no where) that invited us to stay in her ranch house for a few days. We have stayed with her a few times and her ranch house is beautiful:
One of my favorite places to get away. |
My family and I piled into our Suburban and I got the very backseat. My dad tells me that dinner is the food that we packed to eat on our little adventure to Challis. The catch is the food was a whole chicken my parents had roasted and I was supposed to cut this up into manageable chunks for sandwiches. Only problem, no way to cut up cheese or chicken to put on the sandwiches. My dad tells me that there is a knife in his backpack he uses when camping. After digging around for quite some time I located the silver death blade I would be using. So I used a box of crackers as a cutting board, I thought the situation called for a barrier between my legs and the knife, and began making these ridiculous sandwiches.
Seriously? Who uses this knife in a moving car. |
I succeeded in making a huge mess and I only cut my finger once and it wasn't even bad. I made my whole family food in a moving car with a knife I should not be allowed within 20 feet of for safety reasons, without causing serious harm to myself or anyone else. But really. Who lets me use a knife in a moving car. I have a horrible track record when it comes to making decisions and I generally struggle with basic things so letting me have a knife is a terrible idea. But I do make a pretty great sandwich if I do say so myself..
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