Dead Week brings out the worst in all of us
The alarm starts going off and forcing yourself out of bed is the worst thing you can possibly imagine
The only way to survive is to have a constant intake of coffee
You are up to your eyeballs in assignments and projects
The stress is so much to handle basically anything will distract you from having to deal with it
You try to get your mind off of things by working out but it only seems to make things worse
People tell you its going to get better. Its not.
You work for days on a project. It becomes an obsession.
The lack of sleep pushes you to the edge of not being able to deal with other people.
But eventually you make it through the day and realize how fabulous you were at getting all the things done
Then you slide into a state of insanity that feels like sleep but really you are just hanging on for the next day. Dead Week is the best week.
Bonus of Dead Week.