Thursday, February 20, 2014

College Classes are Ridiculous

We all know that one kid in class that talks continuously, it doesn't matter if the professor is lecturing, if there is any pause for input this kid has their hand up in the air and is sharing their wealth of knowledge with the rest of us. It doesn't even matter if the professor wasn't asking a question, they somehow feel the need to shout out their opinions and questions like they matter to the rest of us. Between the stupidity and the know it alls there is the Green portion of the chart.

One time a kid in one of my media classes asked if we were getting to use wireless microphones while the TA was clearly holding a mic with a cord attached... Just go sit down in the Blue section of the chart, thank you.

Orange stands for Survey of Art and Music. I can now tell you 32 different pieces of art, what time period they are from, what city they were found in, and the significance of that piece. I'll add that to my list of useless information I will never need in my career in Broadcasting.

Purple is my Intermediate Video Production class. At least its for my actual major in the career field I actually want to go into.

Conflict and Consensus History. My head is spinning by the time I leave this class. So many dates and people and significant movements that the textbooks I bought weigh as much as I do. All the reading and memorizing and studying and I still have no clue what is going on. Yellow, we all know how this feels.

Red can be any class on a given day. Sometimes you just cant think anymore and feel the need to give up on school, drop out, and become a street performer. Or take a 3 hour nap. Or eat your weight in Oreos while watching Netflix. It varies.

Gotta love college, right?


  1. Gotta love it when the person who is constantly talking is a middle age adult, right?
