Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Movie References are out of Control

Khan, Star Trek: Into Darkness
In case you haven't seen Star Trek: Into Darkness yet, the villain is Khan who is played by Benedict Cumberbatch. I loved this movie and I recommend it highly.

Anyways, yesterday I was in class and my professor was talking about technology and how it is replacing human interaction then he asks, "Would you rather have me teaching the class or Khan."

I sat up in my chair and blurted out "Khan!" Who wouldn't want an attractive villain to teach class as opposed to a professor. My professor looked extremely confused and just goes, "You would rather have Khan academy educational videos teach instead of me?"

Sinking down into my chair I glanced at a guy in my class as we both started trying to justify this comment with explanations of Star Trek: Into Darkness. Once my professor realized we had been talking about a villain from a movie and not an educational video he just started laughing and quickly moved on to the rest of the lecture.

Leave it to me to make a movie reference out of my professor's lecture and replace him with a villain.

I find myself referencing movies more often than normal. I can hardly get through a conversation without throwing in a movie quote. Its a problem. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, you suck.

The joy of Tuesday is that I have class at 8am and then don't get done with classes until around 9:30pm. At 8am I have Survey of Art and Music. Its a graduation requirement and so I drag myself to class and attempt to stay awake. I am the worst morning person so the fact I made it out of bed means I should get a gold star for the day. Usually I am barely awake for that class and wake up around half way through my second class. My professor actually came and told at me today that if I was going to sleep during class I should just leave. Let the record show we were done with the lecture and were just watching a movie but hey it was really important to her. Once I get my coffee I do better and can function at a passable human level. The rest of my day includes a wellness class, a video production class, soccer practice, team meetings, and my parachurch ministries class (that is three hours long). I get back to my dorm at the end of the day and I just want to fall down and not move for about the rest of my life, but then I remember homework. Today has felt long. I'm going to curl up into a ball and sleep for a while now. After I finish my homework. Curses. 

Anyways, Tuesday you suck. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

College Classes are Ridiculous

We all know that one kid in class that talks continuously, it doesn't matter if the professor is lecturing, if there is any pause for input this kid has their hand up in the air and is sharing their wealth of knowledge with the rest of us. It doesn't even matter if the professor wasn't asking a question, they somehow feel the need to shout out their opinions and questions like they matter to the rest of us. Between the stupidity and the know it alls there is the Green portion of the chart.

One time a kid in one of my media classes asked if we were getting to use wireless microphones while the TA was clearly holding a mic with a cord attached... Just go sit down in the Blue section of the chart, thank you.

Orange stands for Survey of Art and Music. I can now tell you 32 different pieces of art, what time period they are from, what city they were found in, and the significance of that piece. I'll add that to my list of useless information I will never need in my career in Broadcasting.

Purple is my Intermediate Video Production class. At least its for my actual major in the career field I actually want to go into.

Conflict and Consensus History. My head is spinning by the time I leave this class. So many dates and people and significant movements that the textbooks I bought weigh as much as I do. All the reading and memorizing and studying and I still have no clue what is going on. Yellow, we all know how this feels.

Red can be any class on a given day. Sometimes you just cant think anymore and feel the need to give up on school, drop out, and become a street performer. Or take a 3 hour nap. Or eat your weight in Oreos while watching Netflix. It varies.

Gotta love college, right?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Film Shoot Fun

This last weekend I was asked to be on a film shoot for a girl in my major's senior project. I was very excited and had a lot of fun. Of course though with any situation I manage to cause problems for myself. For instance I accidentally hit one of the lights while moving equipment.

A fun and scary thing was I got to be an extra on the set. In the film a store was being robbed by two men and I got to play one of the customers that got robbed. My job was fairly simple; pretend to study candy in the aisle, turn around when man came in yelling, and act like I was actually getting robbed.

The only directions I was given was to act like this was really happening and to look scared. The looking scared part was pretty easy, being in front of the camera and having someone screaming at you pretending to rob you is a little stressful. I wasn't sure how to actually act in that situation. The guy had a baseball bat for crying out loud. I had a lot of time to think about it and probably just ended up looking confused.

The other awkward moment came when I was trying to put a cable away that was all twisted. There is a special technique for wrapping up cables called Over Under. It just keeps the cord from getting tangled while wound up. So I was attempting to Over Under, I am actually decent at this but was struggling in this particular instance, and my professor's wife was standing there watching me. She comes over and tells me the way I learned to Over Under is wrong and is much better done a different way. Desperately trying to make a good impression on her I tried her technique and did the best I could. But the whole time she was just standing there watching me, I felt very uncomfortable because of how much I was struggling and pretty soon things were fairly tangled, she eventually walked away but I could feel my good impression going down the drain.

Oh well. I still had fun.. Good times.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Winter is hard.

One of the major downfalls of winter is how much clothing you have to wear to stay warm. For instance,  after practice I changed into baggy sweat pants and an over sized boys sweatshirt that I wore with Ugg boots. Of course because it was after practice my hair was up in a braided pony tail that was falling out giving me the appearance of a homeless lady.

Now I don't really give that much thought into how I look but on this particular day I was doing homework while sitting in the campus coffee shop. My friend who was doing homework with me invited me to go to Starbucks with him and some other people.  Because coffee is the purpose of my existence I agreed. Showing up I realized that the three other girls going with us looked adorable.  They all had on cute boots and sweaters with scarves, and then there's me. I had to laugh at myself a little bit. I totally fail at dressing like a cute college girl. But I did get great coffee. Sometimes I consider putting more effort into my appearance but then I remember how much I love wearing sweats and that usually wins.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Curse You Winter.

Grumpy Cat is my spirit animal
So I just had the scariest experience of my life. I am not even really exaggerating all that much. I'm playing on a coed indoor team and the games are in Boise really late on Thursdays, normally about a 20-25 minute drive. Not bad at all.

But with the giant snow storm that has just hit, driving home tonight was a nightmare. Wind. Snow. Ice. The perfect trifecta of evil that made my journey back to school about 45 minutes. I don't think I have been that stressed out in my whole life. Luckily I had my parents Subaru to drive and made it back safely.

The best part of my drive, weird that there was a best part, is that I randomly got an old Veggie Tales song stuck in my head as I was driving and then sang it over and over the whole drive home. I haven't heard this song in years. It was a God thing.

"God is bigger than the boogie man, he's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV
Oh God is bigger than the boogie man and he's looking out for you and me"

So weird but it totally calmed me down and I made it back alive so Go God!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Interesting Life Situations: Paint Fight

Don't mind my awkwardness...
During first semester for a Young Life club we had a huge paint war. We threw paint all over each other, played capture the flag, and had a blast. Covered head to toe in paint I drove back to my dorm to get cleaned up.

But, on Monday nights my dorm does this thing called "Life Group" where the girls from our wing get together and.... talk about our lives I guess. I never get to go because it is on Young Life night and I am never here for it. So the day of the paint fight we had met for Young Life early so I was back at my dorm in time for life group.

I had little to no intention of going to this event.. Not my thing. But our life group leader just so happened to walk into my room while my roommate was about to leave and realized I was there.. She got very excited and started going on about Life Group.. All I wanted at that point was to shower but here I was confronted with the person in charge.

So I found myself sitting in a chair in the lobby of the second floor waiting for the others to show up. Every. Single. Look. I got that night was of pure questioning judgement. I don't blame them. I looked like I had been attacked by a crayon mob, or a bunch of Kindergartners maybe. I felt a little uncomfortable but then I got to explain what Young Life was to the girls on my wing so that was exciting. Feeling uncomfortable is all part of the deal I guess. I would be the one to show up to an event covered in paint. Yay for interesting life situations.