Life or Something Like It
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Instagram is pretty cool. Instant access to someones view of the world. We can see events and people through their eyes in small snapshots. That's pretty neat if you ask me.
I get a great deal of amusement out of Instagram. One of my favorite activities is going to a person's page and narrating their Instagram feed. Scroll through all the things they have posted and come up with dialogue for each picture, trust me it's a good time.
But there are a few things that annoy me on Instagram:
People that only post selfies. Not even with other people. Just their face. Over and over. I don't mind a selfie here and there, I have selfies on my Instagram, but if your whole feed is just one selfie after another with only slightly varying facial expressions I apologize because I have probably laughed at you once or twice. Or narrated all of your selfies with different voices reading your captions.
People that over use hashtags. It's obnoxious. Don't do it. People that hashtag every word: #if #this #is #what #your #caption #looks #like #then #you #are #doing #it #wrong. Or my other personal favorite: #newshirt #blueshirt #itsnew #newnewnew #newblue. We get it. You have a new blue shirt.
Nature accompanied by scripture. Nature is beautiful. Scripture is wonderful. But please take it easy. Moderation people.
The inspiration for the title of this piece is dedicated to those of you who feel the need to post a book about your significant other or best friend. I get that your boyfriend/girlfriend is your mcm/wcw every week but really if I have to scroll past another endless caption about how amazing that person is I might cry. This also applies to your best friend. I get it, you are close and have a lot to celebrate as legendary best friends but sometimes short is sweet, something simple well done will always beat something complex poorly executed, and the picture is supposed to mean a thousand words; you don't have to add your own.
Anyways. Instagram, cool. People that do these things, not cool. Remember moderation with your social media kids.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Churro Challenge
After Young Life on Monday night my sisters and I with our good friend Sooky ran to Del Taco to do the Churro Challenge. I was introduced to the Churro Challenge at Malibu Young Life Camp and introduced it to my sisters and Sooky for the first time last night.
Rules of the Churro Challenge: All participants eat a churro and are not allowed to lick their lips until all churros are finished.
The Churro Challenge is a test of willpower and is just plain funny.
Zona was struggling hardcore, Hailey is perfect as usual, and Sooky is the man. I was trying to eat a churro and not lick my lips and film all of this at the same time so I should get points for multitasking or something.
Enjoy the video and try the Churro Challenge for yourself!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
A Day of Dead Week Told by Cats
Dead Week brings out the worst in all of us
The alarm starts going off and forcing yourself out of bed is the worst thing you can possibly imagine
The only way to survive is to have a constant intake of coffee
You are up to your eyeballs in assignments and projects
The stress is so much to handle basically anything will distract you from having to deal with it
You try to get your mind off of things by working out but it only seems to make things worse
People tell you its going to get better. Its not.
You work for days on a project. It becomes an obsession.
The lack of sleep pushes you to the edge of not being able to deal with other people.
But eventually you make it through the day and realize how fabulous you were at getting all the things done
Then you slide into a state of insanity that feels like sleep but really you are just hanging on for the next day. Dead Week is the best week.
Bonus of Dead Week.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
The Struggles of Sarcasm
I love sarcasm. Its probably my favorite means of communication. If a person can have a completely sarcastic conversation with me then they are a friend for life. I can joke around and talk in circles for hours as long as the other person can follow and contribute to the conversation.
These people can be few and far between. Finding these people brings me a lot of joy.
The only issue is sometimes with these people, our combined sarcasm creates this riddle of non serious banter that all of a sudden becomes serious. But, because we were both being sarcastic the "serious" conversation that developed can't actually be taken seriously. You become so used to being sarcastic that the line between sarcasm and actual conversation is so blurred neither side knows if we are still being sarcastic or if we have become serious. Both sides leave the conversation with a mild sense of confusion wondering if what we talked about was a real thing. Which actually kind of adds to the fun of having a sarcastic conversation, keeps you guessing in a world of hypothetical situations. These conversations are my favorite.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Grumpy Cat is my Spirit Animal
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Challis Adventures
My family rocks. This is our Spring Break trip to Challis in short.
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Ranch house. |
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View from the porch |
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Shooting pellet guns and BB guns |
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Only my little sister can look this good out shooting |
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Okay, both my sisters look good out shooting |
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Shooting pop cans until they are no more |
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On the river searching for our parents |
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Great weather |
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Dad caught a fish |
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Its pretty cute in all honesty |
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They like each other. Most of the time. |
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Zona is sassy |
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This probably describes their relationship perfectly. |
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Orange and Black cat! |
Spring Break was a success.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Chicken, and Cars, and Knives. Oh My.
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Wait.. What. |
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One of my favorite places to get away. |
My family and I piled into our Suburban and I got the very backseat. My dad tells me that dinner is the food that we packed to eat on our little adventure to Challis. The catch is the food was a whole chicken my parents had roasted and I was supposed to cut this up into manageable chunks for sandwiches. Only problem, no way to cut up cheese or chicken to put on the sandwiches. My dad tells me that there is a knife in his backpack he uses when camping. After digging around for quite some time I located the silver death blade I would be using. So I used a box of crackers as a cutting board, I thought the situation called for a barrier between my legs and the knife, and began making these ridiculous sandwiches.
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Seriously? Who uses this knife in a moving car. |
I succeeded in making a huge mess and I only cut my finger once and it wasn't even bad. I made my whole family food in a moving car with a knife I should not be allowed within 20 feet of for safety reasons, without causing serious harm to myself or anyone else. But really. Who lets me use a knife in a moving car. I have a horrible track record when it comes to making decisions and I generally struggle with basic things so letting me have a knife is a terrible idea. But I do make a pretty great sandwich if I do say so myself..
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